Helping the INVISIBLE (Hand) become . . . VISIBLE
Adam Smith highlighted the Invisible Hand as a key part of The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
Adam Smith’s other book, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, is fundamentally about what is embedded in the Invisible Hand.
The Sentiments ... in today's words, Empathy --> Sympathy ... would produce the content of the Invisible Hand, referred to in Metaeconomics as the moral community
Metaeconomics proposes open dialogue in community about the substance, the content and character of the nature of the operant background conditions... what becomes the Visible Hand...becoming conscious at least for a time, until it, too, becomes once again a part of the Unconscious in the new Invisible Hand.
Build community, build shared values in a moral community: Such action makes the Invisible Hand of the economy visible, at least for a time.
Encourage evolution of megalogues (after Etzioni, 1988;1993; 1996), which serves to integrate the dialogues ongoing in smaller groups (family, civic, social, political), and build a wider, more widely accepted... across many smaller, more narrowly focused interests... Moral Community
Individual emerges from dialogue(s) in many smaller groups, each having its own set of shared Other-interests, with cross-dialogue made possible by individuals being in several different groups, leading to the megalogue, and the widely shared Other-interest
Metaeconomics points to the real possibility that the megalogues will have the outcome of an overall integrated, balanced Other(shared widely)-interest for the community, state, region, nation, and, overall, for this Spaceship Earth on which we all travel.
Perhaps there never has been, nor will there ever be, a truly Invisible Hand (see Samuels, Johnson and Perry, 2011). Rather, the construct is just a convenient way to disguise and not address the underlying power relationships at work in a real economy, leaving what comes from the status quo.
Etzioni, Amitai. 1988. The Moral Dimension: Toward a New Economics. New York: Free Press.
Etzioni, A. 1993. The Spirit of Community: Rights, Responsibilities and the Communitarian Agenda. New York: Crown Publishing Group.
Etzioni, A. 1996. The New Golden Rule. New York: Basic Books.
Samuels, Warren J., Johnson, Marianne F., and Perry, William H. Erasing the Invisible Hand: Essays on an Elusive and Misused Concept in Economics Kindle ed. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011.