As many of you know, the Substack site is the electronic version of the old Newsletter that was historically mailed out in paper form. Substack is an Electronic Newsletter, and writers can charge a subscription fee. Also, once the Post is on Substack, it is easy to add commentary, and, also to use the Notes feature in Substack (Notes is the Twitter of Substack).
So, am putting in place a Substack, focused on the notion of The Metaeconomic Order. That is, The New Deal Order that operated roughly during the 1930-1980 period was taken down by The Neoliberal Order that operated during the 1970-2020 (and remnants still around) period. So, What Comes Next? What Needs to Come Next?
It seems Dual Interest Theory in Metaeconomics helps in answering that question. Perhaps it is The Metaeconomic Order, which is more akin to The New Deal Order but keeps important parts of The Neoliberal Order. It is also akin to the notion of a Developmental Democracy Order, and a Common-Good Conservatism Order (really misnamed: It should be called Common-Good Order, without particular Left or Right framing) as offered, respectively, by political (economic) scientist C.B. Macpherson in the 1960-1980 period and political scientist/philosopher P. Deneen in the 2018-2023. What Comes Next is about what is the best Order, an Order based on sufficient reason, an Order resting on a foundation of science & ethics: What is the best political economic order.
So, in addition to considering Posts here on the Blog, consider joining me in a dialogue about What Comes Next at my new Substack site MetaEconGary | Substack which has to do with considering The Metaeconomic Order as the best political economic order. And, for now at least, the Subscription is free!